Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Lest We Forget
It has been a long times since I have used this, the old fashioned letter format. Because I think this is an art that we are about to lose, I've decided to use it for this post. Computers have made communication so quick, easy and yet, sometimes impersonal. There is something lost in an e-mail that is there in a letter. Trying to explain that is hard for me. The only apparent difference is that words are no longer on paper, they are on a screen. It is very exciting to get a letter in the mail because I know someone has taken the time to sit down, get out their favorite stationary, and take the time to "write" me a letter or even just a note. I love it.
There are many things in our lives that we have lost because of technology that has made our lives so simple. We want everything instantly. Looking back on my youth, I can remember all of us gathering in the kitchen and making several batches of different kinds of cookies at Christmas time. The kitchen would be an absolute mess, we would all have flour all over us, and occasionally, we would burn a batch. Now, making Christmas cookies, for a lot of us, consists of going to the grocery, buying either a roll cookie dough or package of pre-cut cookies. Then, if they are around, we bring the youngins into the kitchen and slice or break apart our cookies, put them in the oven, and eat them all in one sitting because you can only get about 18 decent sized cookies out of one roll.
Now, please don't think that I am belittling anyone who bakes cookies this way. That's my recipe of I don't just go to the store and buy them. However, I do miss the days when there was flour all over the place and tons of cookies waiting to be enjoyed. You could smell them in the house for weeks.
A lot of memories have been flooding my mind recently and the following e-mail has brought to my mind even more completely how many things we can lose in our ever so busy lives. It is so very hard to choose what is important and what is urgent. These choices have also been weighing heavy on my heart and I am finding it harder and harder to find the time to blog as often as I would like.
The relatively few of you who follow my blog have been so faithful and being gone a week has made me feel, inappropriately guilty. Knowing you as I feel I do, I know that you understand and will be there to read this. It may be a week, or even two, before I'm back. Recently I've had to be in some pretty strong antibiotics that have played havoc with my system and are making it even harder for me to accomplish those things that are really important. Please understand that this is not goodbye. It is not my intention to give up blogging all together. It is just to cut WAY back until probably after the first of the year.
This is the e-mail that I spoke of above. Many of you may have seen it but it is worth sharing again. Life is so fleeting and we have to grab every bit of it we can.
Thank you so much for hanging in there with me. As Arnie says, "I'll be back."
With love and prayers,
God Bless,
P.S. For some reason I was not able to put in paragraph indents, etc., so this is not my normal letter format. I guess block will have to do. Oh, well, a letter is a letter.
IF I HAD MY LIFE TO LIVE OVER - by Erma Bombeck (written after she found out she was dying from cancer).
I would have gone to bed when I was sick instead of pretending the earth would go into a holding pattern if I weren't there for the day.
I would have burned the pink candle sculpted like a rose before it melted in storage.
I would have talked less and listened more.
I would have invited friends over to dinner even if the carpet was stained, or the sofa faded.
I would have eaten the popcorn in the 'good' living room and worried much less about the dirt when someone wanted to light a fire in the fireplace.
I would have taken the time to listen to my grandfather ramble about his youth.
I would have shared more of the responsibility carried by my husband.
I would never have insisted the car windows be rolled up on a summer day because my hair had just been teased and sprayed.
I would have sat on the lawn with my grass stains.
I would have cried and laughed less while watching television and more while watching life.
I would never have bought anything just because it was practical, wouldn't show soil, or was guaranteed to last a lifetime.
Instead of wishing away nine months of pregnancy, I'd have cherished every moment and realized that the wonderment growing inside me was the only chance in life to assist God in a miracle.
When my kids kissed me impetuously, I would never have said, 'Later. Now go get washed up for dinner.'
There would have been more 'I love you's' More 'I'm sorry's.'
But mostly, given another shot at life, I would seize every minute.look at it and really see it .. live it and never give it back. STOP SWEATING THE SMALL STUFF!!! Don't worry about who doesn't like you, who has more, or who's doing what Instead, let's cherish the relationships we have with those who do love us.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Nerve Blocks
In thinking about this, I've begun to wonder what would happen if I had a "spiritual nerve block". Those thoughts led to this:
"Spiritual Nerve Block"
This day was like many others
Full of work, family and friends.
Same things that were done the day before,
The day before that, to no end.
Some folks say that I'm in a terrible rut,
I must say that I truly agree.
Today is the same as yesterday
Tomorrow will most likely be.
Maybe I'll try something new to me.
Something that maybe is wrong.
It won't hurt to try it once in a while.
Who will know if they don't go along.
There's this pang that I have, it's called conscience
"Can I hide it", I ask quite aloud.
Another voice hollers around me.
"Sure I'll help you, it will make me feel proud."
He continued that I'll need a nerve block.
To halt this old conscience inside.
"It only will take just a minute.
There's no pain. No, I never have lied."
So I trusted this voice I was hearing
He gave me a shot of "joy juice".
Told me I'd feel like a million,
The old conscience would be of no use.
After I had the procedure
I found that this voice was quite right.
All of the things I had wanted
Came quite easy, most generally at night.
There was however a problem
Even though my conscience seemed dead,
So did all of the rest of me,
No kind thoughts in my now vacant head.
There were voids in me and I now wondered
If I ever would fill them again.
This life I had chose seemed empty.
It was not what I'd thought, this thing sin.
So I sent for this voice to confront him
And to ask him to be on the level.
He said to me, "Quite impossible.
"You see", he said, "I am the Devil".
"When I gave you the nerve block you wanted,
All the things that filled up your soul,
Went right out the door with your conscience.
You'll just have to choose quite different goals."
In the back of my heart I remembered
Something I'd been told back in my youth.
God never leaves us on this journey.
I knew it, it must be the truth.
So I fell to my knees and I asked him
To forgive me and let me come home.
At once I was so very happy
And knew I'd try never to roam.
My words to you are very simple
If you you might want a nerve block,
Tell the Devil to just go and leave you.
Get on your knees and have a great talk.
Mimmy, aka Joyce Smith
October 21, 2009
Sunday, October 18, 2009
"Just because I said so."
Do not do what they do…
Do as I say and not as I do
We often have heard people say.
But are these words the very words
We need to lead us on the right way?
It seems to me as I look at these words
That it probably really depends,
To whom we are listening utter these words
And the heart out of which they do wend.
These verses we read are the words of our Lord
As he spoke to the multitude there,
Of how they should listen to those who did sit
On the seat from which God’s word was shared.
But they only should listen to what they heard read
Ignoring what they daily saw done,
The Pharisees did their works to gain praise,
Making laws that were quite burdensome.
They loved all the power and all of the show
They loved all the glory from men,
The outward acts they did in the streets
Covered up a dark heart full of sin.
So if you must do as someone else does
Be sure that your model is true,
And follow the deeds of the Glorified One,
Who ever did as He says we should do.
God Bless,
Mimmy aka Joyce Smith
October 16, 2009
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
A Little Light Story
Once was a man traveling all alone
On a road he'd not traveled before,
He had no place to stay for the night
And no place to help keep him warm.
He came on a cabin deep in the woods.
He entered a room dark and black.
He took from his pocket a box of matches,
Lit a candle that was deep in his pack.
The room was brighter than had been before.
But he needed a strong candle stand,
So the wax that would run from the candle top
Would not put sore burns on his hands.
Then he found in the bottom of an old curio
A lantern with three mirrored sides.
When he put the candle inside of the door
The light almost blinded his eyes.
He set about with some sticks from outside
To build a fire in the stove used for cooking,
Soon the cabin was warm but then he saw
His candle was losing light for looking.
He hurriedly searched the cabin once more,
Found a lamp that used oil to burn.
It appeared to have a new wick and fuel
To give the light he'd need until morn.
Let us look now at this story of light,
The many light sources it had.
First the box of matches in a pocket found
Lit the candle that made the room glad.
Then came the lantern to hold the candle,
The mirrors made the room shine.
Next sticks in the stove to warm up the room
So the man wouldn't shiver and whine.
As the candle burned low to soon be no light
The oil lamp with new wick inside,
Took over the job of providing the light
Showing him everything that's inside.
This is a story of our various tasks
And tools needed to help the light shine,
So as we begin this year 2009
Please decide which tool you’ll say, "It‘s mine.".
Will you be the matches in book or in box
Or the candle that lit up the room?
Will you be the lantern or a mirror inside
Or sticks that helped warm things so soon?
Will you be a lamp with a wick and some oil
To provide light the whole night through?
Or will you just sit in the dark of the room
Thinking there's nothing for you to do?
Remember if you're just a tiny match stick
Or an oil lamp burning just fine,
You have to find your part of the light
If your light shines to lead home the blind.
God Bless,
Mimmy aka Joyce Smith
October 14, 2009
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Good Intentions
I had such good intentions
When I got on here tonight.
T'was going to do a daily post
It was going to be quite nice.
But then I got on google
Searching for a pic I need
For a Christmas present
That will be quite nice indeed.
It appears that I can only
Do one nice thing in a day,
I'm sure you know I don't mean that
Just needed something to say.
So I'm going turn turn the lights off
Tuck myself into my bed.
My plan's to write tomorrow
Of all that's in my head.
But if my good intentions
Should someway get side-tracked,
Please don't you forget me
'Cause someday I'll be right back.
God Bless,
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
First Things First
Since I've started blogging I've spent much more time at it than I should. Although I spend most of every day in my recliner there are things that I do need to do. Right now in particular there are some things I could be doing around the house. Not many, I'll admit, but I can fold clothes and I might be able to do some picking up and some dusting so I've got to try to be more of a help to Pat.
Number one on this list has to be my Bible study. I've really neglected it and have to get back to doing more. It is hard for me to read because of the medication that I take. It's not because of being unable to focus, but my memory is affected so I have to reread several times before it sticks. What might take one person 15 minutes to grasp takes me about an hour so I get frustrated and just put it down. That has to stop. Right now I really need to spend some time in God's word to bolster my faith so that I can deal with the other things in my life that frustrate me.
Also, since our financial situation is what it is, I have to get busy making Christmas presents if we're going to have anything to give to our family and friends. I'm beginning to panic because Christmas is just around the corner.
So that I can get my priorities in order, I'm putting blogging on the back burner. I'm not going to quit. It does fill a very important void in my life but I am going to slow down. My plan is to blog once or twice a week and read and comment two or three days a week. That way I won't lost touch with so man lives that have become important to me.
Hopefully, those of you who have been such a part of my life won't stop reaching out to me either. It will still be important to me to read what you have to share.
It’s time for a little confession.
There are things I’ve pushed to the back.
Things I don’t want to admit
But things that I really do lack.
It’s hard when we must face the fact
That we have some limitations,
That we can’t make all the things in our hearts
Come to actual fruition.
There are many things I want to do
As I sit here in my chair.
Blogging is just one of them
That I wish to give lots of care.
Bible study is the top of my list,
Yet it seems I’ve pushed it aside,
Not all the time, not all the way,
But enough that it hurts inside.
So I’ve come to a decision
One that I have to make.
Blogging must take a back seat
To all else that’s on my plate.
First, must come God my Father,
Setting things right with Him.
Reading from His precious word
Every day, not just on a whim.
Talking with him about my trials,
All the things that weight on my heart.
Letting him take full control of me
Not just a piece or a part.
Then there are things I can do to help
With the care of my family and home.
There are not too very many
Since round the house in my chair I roam.
My crafting must have my attention,
I must make gifts for family and friends,
For the Christmas holiday
Since very little money we’ll spend.
At the end of this list must come blogging
At least for a little while.
It’s hard for me to put aside
Since it really fits with my style.
All through my life I’ve loved people
Around me to talk and chat.
After I had to leave my work
I have really missed all of that.
So I’ll not stop it entirely,
Will post just every few days.
Reading your blogs when I have the time
Catching up with all you will say.
This is not goodbye by any stretch,
It’s just that I’ll be seeing you less,
As I have much I must handle,
Many lives that I must caress.
Please know how much you have blessed me,
That I’ll miss seeing you most every day.
It’s just that I must slow down
If I’m going to walk in God’s way.
Love to all,
Monday, October 5, 2009
Climbing Hills
While climbing these hills it would be most helpful if we had a map or if someone had been there before us and could give us directions. In West Virginia there are some hills that to me would qualify as mountains. We have driven through these hills many times and when I look from the valley up to the top I'm very thankful that someone has seen fit to lay a road that takes me up the side of the hill gradually and that I don't have to climb from the base directly to the top with no guidance. Thankfully, God has left us the directions that will get us through this life to our eternal home.
No, we can't just pick up the Bible and find answers to all of this life's problems. If my car breaks down I won't find instructions on how to fix it in God's Word, but I can find the principals that teach me I need to work to provide for my every day needs. With this principal I can either pay someone else to fix it or buy the parts to fix it myself. No, if I am ill I can't find the medical treatment I need to heal myself, but God has given us doctors who can help us and I can read of how Paul had an affliction and that he was told by God that God's grace was sufficient to help him handle it (II Corinthians 12:9). No, if someone invades my home and steals from me, I can't search God's Word and find a law enforcement agency to search, find and punish them, but I can read that God tells me to love my enemies (Matthew 5:44). No, if I lose a loved one I can't find a manual on how to handle grief, but I can read where Jesus lost a loved one and He wept. (John 11:35) Also, I can know that if my loved one was faithful to Christ that he is now resting in Heaven and, even if he was not faithful, I can know that his soul's destiny rests in God's hands, not mine.
Throughout my life I have yet to face a hill that God has not helped me to climb and that I have not been stronger when I reached the top and descended to the valley on the other side. With that knowledge, facing tomorrow and whatever hills may come my way is much easier. If we can look at the hills in life from this perspective, we will not only face them but be joyful in them (I Corinthians 7:4).
As you climb whatever hills life may put in your way, look to the road map left by God. They will be much easier to climb.
God's Road Map
Today I set out on a journey.
It seemed quite easy at first.
The road was pleasantly peaceful
With inns where I might quench my thirst.
As the day progressed in my travels
The way became much more steep.
The road was no longer level
The climb so high I did weep.
My path became full or pot holes,
And nails that flattened my tires.
The bridge was out just up ahead,
In the mud I'd surely be mired.
How would I finish this journey?
Would I ever reach my new home?
It appeared to me that I would not,
That I forever would roam.
Then like an oaf I remembered
A map that I carried with me.
Opening it I soon found the way
To my home that I wanted to see.
My day was totally wasted
Since I'd failed this guidance to read,
Before I started my journey
Attempting others to lead.
Now that I've read the directions
Learning the path I should trod,
I will be home rather shortly
Walking on my very own sod.
This advice I give to travelers
Who set out on a trip through this life.
Read the map map before leaving
It will certainly save you much strife.
Wishing you a wonderfully blessed journey,
God Bless,
Mimmy aka Joyce Smith, October 5, 2009
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Happy Birthday Jeni

Today is our daughter Jeni's birthday. She's going to be made enough at me when and if she sees these pictures so I don't think I'll tell you how old she is.
The one on the far left was taken about 16 or 17 years ago as was the one on the right. The one in the middle was about 10 years ago. Jeni, this is what happens when you run from the camera. We don't have any up-to-date pictures of you.
We wish you a very, very happy birthday and many many more to come and if you don't want this to happen again, get some recent pictures taken and send me some. Otherwise, you give me no choice.
We love you kiddo and look forward to seeing you soon. Maybe you'll let me get some new and improved shots of you.
God Bless,
Happy Birthday Jeni
In your lifetime, Jeni,
You’ve carried many names.
Jenifer you were born with
The others later came.
Not long after you entered
This world with all its glee
You were tagged with Jeni,
Will last ‘til eternity.
Your Grammy gave unto you
A name for just her use.
It was Jenesapoodinkle
I miss it as I’m sure do you.
When Pat came into our lives
You soon were Jedi to him.
Then came Trey and Mama
Was the name he sang like a hymn.
As Trey grew and flourished
He changed Mama to Mom.
One of these days you’ll pick one
That’s pretty close to Grandmama.
Just keep in mind with all these names
The one that is the best
Is the name of Christian,
It’s better than all the rest.
For after we have all passed
From this life into the next
It will stay forever
In the book God calls His text.
Happy Birthday Sweetheart,
As important as that piece of information is to his life, most importantly he needs to learn that in order to be truly free he must totally submit himself to his Lord and give up all of the freedoms and rights he has to Him. This concept is one that is very hard to accept for anyone but particularly for those who are young. Almost everything that surrounds our young people today encourages them to put themselves first. They are told in beer commercials to "Grab all the gusto", McDonalds says that "You deserve a break today" and even the Army tells all our young people to enlist and to "Be all you can be".
Before I get criticized for putting down self-esteem, please know that I am a great proponent of feeling good about ourselves. God tells us to love each other as we love ourselves so He must have intended for us to have a good opinion of ourselves. My concern is that our young people are being told to always put themselves above others, to not take into consideration how their actions might affect those around them and that they should strive to be number one and if they aren't, they are worthless. Instead, our kids should learn that if they want to be number one they must first put themselves last.
Remember in the tenth chapter of Mark, when James and John asked Jesus to, "Grant unto us that we may sit, one on thy right hand and one on thy left hand, in thy glory."(v.37) Jesus' response to all of His apostles was, "...but whosoever will be great among you, shall be your minister; And whosoever of you will be the chiefest, shall be servant of all. For even the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many." (v. 43-45)
If Jesus, the son of God, came to this earth to serve and to die for my sins, what right have I to demand that I have my "rights" and that I be "numero uno" all the time. If for no other reason than I am humbled by this fact, I need to be a servant every day of my life.
In our world today, it is sometimes hard to be a servant. To help us in this endeavor and to assist us in finding true freedom, Kat, at Heart2Heart, has started a new blog. It is based on the principal of performing ACTS OF RANDOM KINDNESS. Her new blog is A.R.K. for God and will be well worth your time.
Have a super Lord's day and be sure to look into God's word to find out His plan for you.
God Bless,
Freedom in Christ
Read: Revelation 22:17
We live in a land that is wondrously free
From tyrannical rule and control.
We call it the land of the free and the brave,
Its virtues we greatly extol.
We think of ourselves as free as the doves
To do what we will with our lives.
We choose where we live, we chose where we work,
We all choose our husbands or wives.
We choose what we watch on our color TVs,
We choose who our friends are to be.
We choose what we wear, we choose what we eat,
We choose the next movie we’ll see.
However we’re ruled by one of two kings.
Either Satan or God has command.
The choices we make as we live on this earth
Determine where we take our stand.
If we choose to serve Satan and follow his lead
We’ll be bound for all eternity,
To a place where freedom is forever gone,
Where anguish and crying we’ll see.
If we choose God and the path he has drawn
We’ll be free for all eternity.
We’ll have freedom to drink of the water of life,
Freedom to sit at Christ’s knee.
As we make all of our choices each day
Let’s make the ones that truly save.
Then someday we’ll live with our Father above
In His land of the free and the brave.
Joyce K. Smith
June, 2001
Thursday, October 1, 2009
In our society and particularly in the English language, we use the same word to refer to everything from loving oranges, a good book or a movie to loving our children and spouse. It would be much better if English had about five different words for love. We need one word to refer to love of inanimate objects. Another to refer to loving people we don't know well or at all. One that includes those whom we consider friends. One that covers a romantic love before it matures and the one that we use for our families. Maybe "ob"love, "unknow"love, "frien"love, "heart"love and "fam"love. At this point you all probably think I've lost my marbles but it would make things a whole lot easier. Maybe not these words but something different for each emotional feeling.
God saw the wisdom in this. The languages in which He chose to have His Word written include more than one word encompassing "love". Familiarity deems that we look at Greek. "Phileo" is the love that we have for friends. "Eros" is a romantic love that includes a sexual attraction. "Agape" is the love used the most often in Bible references. It refers to that love that we choose to give. It is beyond the love that we have for acquaintances and is what we would call unconditional. There is a fourth Greek word for love "storge" that is not used in Ancient Greek works and refers to the love we may have for family members. It is my opinion that agape is a better choice for family love because there are times that we must choose to love our families. Particularly when they are not behaving in the fashion in which we think they ought.
In one way, I must agree that we do tend to throw around the word "love" much more often than we should. If I was asked to make a list of things I love, ice cream and my husband could make the same list. That doesn't seem quite fair to me. Although I "love" ice cream I "love" my husband much more and in a much deeper fashion. Maybe we should go back to the original Greek words for love and just transliterate them into the English language.
Love vs. Like
Got up this morning had bacon to eat
Boy that was good. Love it, so sweet.
Sent cards and letters to family and friends.
Signed, "I love you", when I got to the end.
Called up my hubby at work to say hi.
Told him I loved him before I said bye.
Watched an old movie on my television.
Love my new glasses with their three way vision.
Daughter called me 'bout a quarter 'til nine.
Told her, "love you". I asked, "are you fine".
Out in the yard to work in the garden.
Shouted, "Neighbor, love ya gal". "Get your car in?"
Daddy called to see when I was comin'.
Told him I loved him, said bye, went on hummin'.
Baked a cake and made the icing.
Sure love vanilla with orange spicing.
Kids in from school with work to do.
Hi Mom, "I love you". "I love you, too."
Supper to fix, laundry to fold.
Sure love this new and improved Bold.
Fall into bed, must say my prayers.
Forgive me Lord for having airs,
Thank you for all you've given to me,
Remember Lord that I do love thee.
Love is a word I do throw around,
From lips to ear, with smile, with frown.
Guess I should think before I say
Those little words along the way.
Maybe "like" is what I mean
When I speak of ice cream, tv screens,
Dresses and hairdos, books and such,
Save "I love you" for what I "love" much.
Wish we had more words to express
What we feel for what we love less,
So that we won't get so confused
When the wee word love we so often use.
God Bless,
October 1, 2009