Friday, May 1, 2009

Boggle School

Well, here is the first poetic entry and this is exactly the way I feel about the world of blogging. It reminds me very much of the day I learned to ride my bicycle or roller skate. Fortunately, I can't remember back to the days when I learned to walk. I do however remember the first time I was on a downhill go-cart, slid off the one passenger seat that I was riding with my girlfriend, and went the rest of the way down the hill on my "behiney". I had a strawberry or sidewalk burn, whichever they call it in your neck of the woods, the size of a saucer. Now I've totally dated myself because this was when little girls still played in skirts. Hopefully you will remember some days of special learning and you will be in a position to help me make by blog look "purtiful".

Enjoy my meandering for today and God Bless.


Today I’ve jumped in with both feet
To this world that’s known as “BOGGLE”.
My experience is very limited
As through cyberspace I toddle.

If I can get to nursery school
Where I’ll learn about pretty pictures,
I’ll really be quite stupefied
Having crossed through some restrictions.

So we’ll start this journey together
That I’m calling “BOGGLE SCHOOL”,
If you have a way to help me
Please don’t hesitate to send the rules.

‘Cause I really want to graduate
Right now with a high school diploma.
But if one day I get a Doctorate
Would be like a sweet aroma.

Be patient with me in my baby steps
Crawling one day to the next,
Until I’m named “Dr. Boggle”
Having utilized all the text.

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